Jennifer H. Madans served as the Associate Director for Science, Acting Deputy Director and Acting Director of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Throughout her career at NCHS Dr. Madans concentrated her research efforts on data collection methodology, measurement of health and functioning and health services research. She is a founding member and has been the chair of the steering committees for three UN sponsored initiatives to develop internationally comparable measures of disability and health, including the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, a city group under the auspices of the UN Statistical Commission. Dr. Madans is a graduate of Bard College (B.A.) and the University of Michigan (M.A. and Ph.D., Sociology). She completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale University. She served as an adjunct Associate Professor in the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Community and Family Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine and in the Department of Demography at Georgetown. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute and served as a Vice President of the International Association of Official Statistics. Dr. Madans received the 2015 Roger Herriot Award for Innovation in Federal Statistics from the American Statistical Association and the 2016 Excellence in Public Service Award from the Population Association of American. She currently serves as the Chair of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics and is a Senior Associate at the Center for Inclusive Policy.