Resource Library
Good decisions require good data and information. Search the Resource Library for data and policy products on population, health, and environment issues. Browse collections, explore policy briefs, watch videos, and put the data in context.
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Webinar: Where Is the Workforce? Understanding the U.S. Labor Shortage and Working Toward Solutions
PRB, the Critical Labor Coalition, and special guest former U.S. Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta discuss the latest data behind the shrinking U.S. workforce and explore potential policy solutions.
Repeats and Rhymes: Lessons From 100 Years of U.S. Immigration Policy
Attempts at immigration reform should address issues that have been with us, in various guises, for at least a century.
Census Across Africa: Using Census Data for Policy and Planning
The 2020 census round in African nations offers opportunities to use new technologies that support data collection and analysis, which analysts, policymakers, and others can draw on to provide more effective public planning and services.
The False Narrative of an Africa Unscathed by COVID-19
New research finds that African countries saw infections and deaths at rates similar to countries in other regions, contradicting official reports.
PRB and CREG Share Tools for Capturing the Demographic Dividend in Senegal
The Scientific Days on the Demographic Dividend and Sustainable Development aimed to develop policy recommendations to help the country capitalize on the economic potential of its young and growing population.
How can South Korea respond to its fertility crisis?
Korea must first address its gender issues, argues PRB President and CEO Jennifer D. Sciubba
3 Bright Spots for Rural Appalachia—and 3 Struggles Compared to the Rest of Rural America
Rural Appalachians are more likely to have health insurance than other rural Americans, and rural counties in the region are making notable strides against poverty. But high unemployment and other challenges remain.
PRB and Population Association of America Brief Congress on Maternal Death Crisis
Leading researchers discussed nuances in maternal mortality data in the United States—and potential policy solutions.
Should We Despair Over the Demographic Divide?
We must hold two things to be true: Populations are rapidly shrinking and rapidly booming—just in different places.
Rural America Is Aging—Without Enough Care Workers
Faced with a deficit of nursing assistants and home health aids, rural areas lack the workforce they need for people to age in place, new research finds.