
Resource Library

Good decisions require good data and information. Search the Resource Library for data and policy products on population, health, and environment issues. Browse collections, explore policy briefs, watch videos, and put the data in context.

3 Bright Spots for Rural Appalachia—and 3 Struggles Compared to the Rest of Rural America

Rural Appalachians are more likely to have health insurance than other rural Americans, and rural counties in the region are making notable strides against poverty. But high unemployment and other challenges remain.

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Should We Despair Over the Demographic Divide?

We must hold two things to be true: Populations are rapidly shrinking and rapidly booming—just in different places.

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Rural America Is Aging—Without Enough Care Workers

Faced with a deficit of nursing assistants and home health aids, rural areas lack the workforce they need for people to age in place, new research finds.

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Digital Access Improves in Appalachia, Bridging Rural-Urban Divide

Recent data show large improvement in digital access for the Appalachian Region—especially in rural counties—despite a lag behind the nation.

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Inaugural ACS on the Road Event Connects Texas Data Users With Census Bureau Staff

Are data users aware of all the resources offered by the American Community Survey? We went on the road in Texas to find out.

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Citizenship, Ancestry May Help Determine Who Gets the ‘Hispanic Health Advantage’

New research helps explain the factors behind why Hispanic people in the United States tend to live longer than other Americans

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Project: Appalachia: Demographic and Socioeconomic Trends

Appalachia Sees Higher Incomes, Lower Poverty Rates, and Boosts in Education, but Still Lags Behind Rest of Nation

ARC and PRB release new data revealing Appalachia’s economic improvements, key vulnerabilities compared to the rest of the U.S. economy

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A Patchwork of Access: Self-Managed Medication Abortion in Post-Roe America

Research shows that self-managed medication abortion accessed through online telehealth is medically safe and effective, but prospective patients face a complex web of barriers.

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