The Evidence Project
The Evidence Project uses implementation science—the strategic generation, translation, and use of evidence—to improve family planning policies, programs, and practices. Led by the Population Council, the five-year project (2013–2018)investigated which strategies work best in improving, expanding, and sustaining family planning services.
Population Council
STATUS: Completed (2013-2018)
Focus Areas
The Evidence Project uses implementation science—the strategic generation, translation, and use of evidence—to improve family planning policies, programs, and practices. Led by the Population Council, the five-year project (2013–2018) is investigating which strategies work best in improving, expanding, and sustaining family planning services. It is also evaluating how to implement and scale up those strategies. Critical to the Evidence Project is translating this knowledge and working with stakeholders to apply the evidence and to build capacity in using implementation science to improve policies, programs, and practices.

Chart showing conceptual framework for implementation priorities for FP/RH
Through implementation science, the Evidence Project pinpoints how family planning and reproductive health services can operate more effectively, equitably, and at scale. The project is focused on several implementation science technical priorities and activities organized around key supply and demand factors that affect access to and use of family planning and reproductive health services. It also focuses on three cross-cutting principles: rights and accountability, gender equality, and implementation science for scale up. Through this work, the Evidence Project is helping to reduce unmet need and unintended pregnancies around the world.
Project Activities
The Evidence Project is leading the discussion on:
- Social accountability for sexual and reproductive health and rights.
- Adolescent-friendly reproductive health services.
- Generating evidence and impact through implementation science.
- Reproductive health services in the workplace.
Explore Project Publications
Access the latest Evidence Project publications on the Population Council website.