Resource Library
Good decisions require good data and information. Search the Resource Library for data and policy products on population, health, and environment issues. Browse collections, explore policy briefs, watch videos, and put the data in context.

New Studies Identify Early Warning Signs of Dementia
Brain changes, weight loss, and even infection history could help pinpoint who might be at risk

Today’s Research on Aging 44: More Than a Feeling: How Social Connection Protects Health in Later Life
Older adults’ social ties are more important for physical and mental health than previously thought, new research shows.
Strengthening Africa’s Budgeting Systems: PRB and CREG Take the Lead in Harnessing the Demographic Dividend
Budget experts, parliamentarians, and key stakeholders gathered to discuss Demographic Dividend Sensentive Budgeting (DDSB)

Rural America Is Aging—Without Enough Care Workers
Faced with a deficit of nursing assistants and home health aides, rural areas lack the workforce they need for people to age in place, new research finds.

Debunking Baby Boomer Myths
A careful look at the data on baby boomers dispels misconceptions about their characteristics and enables policymakers to accurately assess the potential implications of their aging and retirement for U.S. society and the economy.

Get to Know PRB CEO Jennifer D. Sciubba
An internationally recognized expert in political demography, Jennifer has worked throughout her career to educate the broader public about the importance of population trends.

More Than Shelter: How Housing Affordability Is Linked to Older Americans’ Health
Older adults’ housing challenges reflect social and financial inequalities and can lead to poor health.