
Resource Library

Good decisions require good data and information. Search the Resource Library for data and policy products on population, health, and environment issues. Browse collections, explore policy briefs, watch videos, and put the data in context.

3 Bright Spots for Rural Appalachia—and 3 Struggles Compared to the Rest of Rural America

Rural Appalachians are more likely to have health insurance than other rural Americans, and rural counties in the region are making notable strides against poverty. But high unemployment and other challenges remain.

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Should We Despair Over the Demographic Divide?

We must hold two things to be true: Populations are rapidly shrinking and rapidly booming—just in different places.

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Digital Access Improves in Appalachia, Bridging Rural-Urban Divide

Recent data show large improvement in digital access for the Appalachian Region—especially in rural counties—despite a lag behind the nation.

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Webinar: Data Opportunities and Challenges in a Post-Roe World

What are the barriers to conduction abortion-related research today?

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College Shapes Black, White, and Latina Women’s Work and Family Lives Differently

Race plays an important role in how college affects women’s marriage, fertility, and employment.

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PRB @ PAA 2024 Annual Meeting

Dates: April 17-20, 2024 Columbus, OH

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More Than Shelter: How Housing Affordability Is Linked to Older Americans’ Health

Older adults’ housing challenges reflect social and financial inequalities and can lead to poor health.

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College Degrees Yield Lifetime Benefits for the Unlikeliest Graduates

Those who grew up as the least likely to graduate see the greatest returns, including less poverty, more time married, and greater civic engagement, new book finds

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