
Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: An In-Depth Look at Promising Practices

Products: Report, Event Presentations

Author: PRB

Date: February 15, 2007

Symposium: International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Cutting
4th Anniversary, February 6, 2007

Washington, DC

(February 2007) This symposium was sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Global Health. The proceedings were organized by the Population Reference Bureau.

Below is the agenda for the symposium, along with selected presenters’ PowerPoint presentations. We have also included bios for the presenters (DOC: 45KB) as well as Minutes from the Symposium (DOC: 63KB).

THEME: Broadening the Base, Renewing the Agenda

Welcome, by Kent Hill, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID

Panel 1: Promising Practices: Evaluation Methods and Results

Moderator: Sarah Harbison, USAID

P. Stanley Yoder, Senior Qualitative Research Specialist, Macro International, Methodological Challenges for the Evaluation of FGC Programs (PPT: 414KB)
Nafissatou Diop, Program Associate II, Population Council/Senegal, What Makes Communities Abandon Female Genital Mutilation: Experiences from Senegal and BurkinaFaso (PPT: 830KB)
Reshma Naik, Principal Investigator, The Navrongo FGC Trial: Impact and Lessons Learned (PPT: 373KB)

Panel 2: Change Makers

Moderator: Adisa Douglas, Public Welfare Foundation

Maryam Sheikh Abdi, Program Officer, Population Council/Kenya and Ibrahim Asmani, Advocate and Islamic Scholar, A Religious-Oriented Approach To Addressing FGM/C (PPT: 184KB)
Claire Houngan Ayemonna, Magistrate, Benin, Promoting the Abandonment of FGC in Benin: Strategies and Results (PPT: 730KB)
Florence Machio, Journalist and Regional Coordinator, Africawoman, Working with the Media
Rachel Sandel Morse, Harvard Law School, Protecting Girls from FGM: Challenges and Opportunities for Legal Intervention in Africa (PPT: 356KB)

Panel 3: Widening the Circle: The Next 10 Years

Moderator: Sarah Craven, UNFPA

Bettina Shell-Duncan, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Health Services, University of Washington, Framing FGM: Health and Human Rights Approaches (PPT: 67KB)
Leah Freij, Senior Technical Advisor for Gender, CEDPA, Changing Youths’ Attitudes Toward FGM in Egypt (PPT: 873KB)
Hermione Lovel, Department of Health, Cambridge, United Kingdom, FGC and Obstetric Complications: Results of the WHO Study (PPT: 825KB)

Summation/Wrap-up: John Townsend, Population Council