
HoPE-LVB: A PRB ENGAGE Presentation

The ENGAGE presentation, “HoPE-LVB,” aims to improve individuals’ understanding of the HoPE-LVB project (Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin) and the population, health, and environment (PHE) approach. This process includes mobilizing political commitment and resources to strengthen this and other PHE projects. The presentation is designed to promote policy dialogue on the relationship between population, health, and environment; and the challenges faced by communities in the Lake Victoria Basin. Target policy audiences include government policymakers, civic and religious leaders, health and environment sector leaders, program officials, advocates, journalists, and others.

Developed under the USAID-funded Informing DEcisionmakers to Act (IDEA) project, this and other ENGAGE presentations examine the relationship between family planning and sustainable national development. ENGAGE presentations are dynamic, multimedia policy advocacy tools, appropriate for a variety of developing country contexts, to engage global leaders and country-level policymakers in critical discussions about family planning, population growth and the intersection with other key development issues.

“HoPE-LVB” is available as a narrated presentation and can be downloaded from the PRB website or streamed via PRB’s YouTube channel; CD-ROMs are also available on request. A presentation guide is available to provide facilitators with skills and resources to effectively deliver and lead discussion about the presentation.

With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, IDEA—Informing Decisionmakers to Act—increases support among policy audiences for effective health and population programs around the world. By increasing the flow of accurate, understandable information about population, family planning, and reproductive health to policy audiences, IDEA enhances efforts carried out by civil society, the public sector, the development community, and donors. Under IDEA, PRB has developed a series of dynamic multimedia ENGAGE presentations to engage global leaders and country-level policymakers in issues related to family planning, reproductive health, and other key development issues.