Involving Youth in Development Programming
August 10, 2011
(August 2011) In an effort to harness the energy, imagination, and initiative of the world’s youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, the United Nations proclaimed an International Year of Youth starting on Aug. 12, 2010. To commemorate the close of the Year of Youth and International Youth Day, PRB has produced a series of web articles, presentations, and graphics that highlight the reproductive health challenges facing youth around the world. In this interview, Cate Lane, Youth Advisor at USAID, discusses the importance of involving youth in development programming. Since reproductive health is a key component of a healthy transition to adulthood, USAID works to improve the reproductive health and HIV/AIDS knowledge and behaviors of youth. To encourage sustainability, USAID also supports community involvement and capacity building with young people so they can take action in the development of their societies.