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The ENGAGE presentation demonstrates how faith communities and young people in the Sahel can work together to advance the future of the region by promoting a frank and open dialogue, and first and foremost, encouraging social tolerance. It underscores how religious leaders can use their influence in positive ways to condemn the practices of child marriage and female genital mutilation. The presentation also reinforces the message that religious leaders from the region are ready to encourage family planning use among young married couples and support family life education programs in communities.
Sahel ENGAGE (Arabic)
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The Sahel Faith ENGAGE initiative builds on the efforts of the PACE project to support policy dialogue about faith and family planning. Targeting three countries: Guinea, Mali, and Mauritania, the current activity brought together a task force composed of religious leaders (Muslim and Christian), youth, and government representatives to develop a multimedia presentation to promote dialogue about religion and young people’s reproductive health in the Sahel region.
Through this partnership and the presentation, PACE seeks to catalyze regional and national dialogue on the positive intersections of faith and young people’s reproductive health and development needs.
Snapshot in French
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The ENGAGE presentation was launched on Dec. 4, 2019 at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Ouagadougou Partnership, in Cotonou, Benin. In coming months, it will be disseminated nationally and subnationally in the three target countries.