Planning for Contraceptive Security: Start With SPARHCS
May 26, 2010
(May 2010) Family planning policymakers, program managers, and advocates have successfully carried out efforts that address and improve all aspects of reproductive health programs in developing countries. Many of these improvements began by using the Strategic Pathway to Reproductive Health Commodity Security (SPARHCS). SPARHCS is a flexible framework that assists stakeholders in taking a comprehensive review of reproductive health programs.
This is one of seven PRB policy briefs that make up Contraceptive Security: A Toolkit for Policy Audiences, a series of briefs designed to explain different aspects of contraceptive security to policymakers, program managers, media, and civil society. Contraceptive security exists when people are able to choose, obtain, and use high-quality contraceptives whenever they want or need them.
The other briefs in the toolkit are:
- Contraceptive Security For Policy Audiences: An Overview (PDF: 558KB)
- Financing Contraceptives: A New Funding Environment (PDF: 694KB)
- Procuring Contraceptives: Options for Countries (PDF: 647KB)
- Supply Chain: Getting Contraceptives to Users (PDF: 758KB)
- Policy Environment: Understanding the Context for Contraceptive Security (PDF: 653KB)
- Priority Actions and Recommendations for Contraceptive Security (PDF: 374KB)
James Gribble is vice president for International Programs at the Population Reference Bureau.