Fisherman in canoe plowing through the waters of Lake Turkana

Webinar: Why PHE? Linking Conservation and Reproductive Health in Tanzania

(May 2016) What are Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) programs and why should reproductive health and conservation organizations use a PHE approach? This webinar featured Pathfinder International and The Nature Conservancy, partners that have linked environmental conservation and reproductive health—in the Tuungane Project.

Presenters Craig Leisher and Mustafa Kudrati explored how their organizations implement and integrate activities, successes and challenges of the project, and the value of the PHE approach in today’s development context. Both presenters discussed the benefits of the Tuungane Project, beyond health and conservation outcomes and practices, to local communities, including improved nutrition, economic empowerment, and livelihoods. The webinar was moderated by Kristen P. Patterson, PHE program director at PRB.

The webinar serves as an introduction to PHE for audiences such as African policymakers, practitioners, and advocates of PHE.

The presentations were followed by 30 minutes of Q&A. A list of introductory PHE resources is available for download.

Population Reference Bureau hosted the webinar, the first in a quarterly series of Africa PHE interactive webinars implemented under the PACE Project.

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