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Sub-Saharan Africa’s Demographic and Health Characteristics Will Influence the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic

When the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020, few sub-Saharan African countries had reported a single case of the disease, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

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Reproductive Health Subaccounts Track Funding Sources and Expenditures

(2010) Although family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) are critical to achieving development goals and are among the "best buys" in public health, these sectors are generally underfunded.

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Narrowing Old-Age Gender Gap in U.S. Linked to Smoking Trends

(2015) Women live longer than men in the United States and in nearly every country in the world. But in the United States and many other developed countries, this gender gap is narrowing, resulting in an increase in the number of men, relative to women, surviving to old age.

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