504 Search Results Found For : "demographic dividend"
Fact Sheet: Attaining the Demographic Dividend
Many countries in Asia and Latin America have experienced impressive economic growth over the last two decades, and researchers, economists, and demographers have attributed these gains in part to demographic changes that have facilitated growth.
Project: Supporting Population Evidence and Champions in Africa (SPEC)
Harnessing the Demographic Dividend in Ethiopia
Ethiopia, with a current population of about 100 million, has achieved gains in several major health indicators.
Path to Prosperity: Empower, Educate, and Employ Youth to Realize the Demographic Dividend
Investments in young people are crucial to achieving a demographic dividend. The demographic dividend provides a framework for promoting investments in youth as fertility declines and population age structure changes. Sustained investments in voluntary family planning, health, education, and job growth can help to guide a country towards a demographic dividend.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Which Policies Promote a Demographic Dividend? An Evidence Review
(2019) The demographic dividend—the prospect for accelerated economic growth driven by a country’s maturing age structure—has captivated the attention of policymakers around the world.
Evidence Review. Which Policies Promote a Demographic Dividend?
(2019) The demographic dividend—the prospect for accelerated economic growth driven by a country’s maturing age structure—has captivated the attention of policymakers around the world.
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
Harnessing the Demographic Dividend ENGAGE
(2013) The ENGAGE Presentation, “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend” aims to improve understanding of the demographic dividend, what it takes to realize that dividend, and the potential for the countries of sub-Saharan Africa to achieve the demographic dividend and associated economic growth.