
Resource Library

Good decisions require good data and information. Search the Resource Library for data and policy products on population, health, and environment issues. Browse collections, explore policy briefs, watch videos, and put the data in context.

Citizenship, Ancestry May Help Determine Who Gets the ‘Hispanic Health Advantage’

New research helps explain the factors behind why Hispanic people in the United States tend to live longer than other Americans

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A Shift in Hunger: U.S. Food Policy and What We Learned From the Pandemic

Food insecurity rates increased as pandemic-backed support came to a halt.

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Expanded SNAP Benefits Boosted Food Security During the COVID-19 Emergency, Study Finds

Households in the food assistance program made healthier food purchases in 2020, additional research shows

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Are Millennials the Unluckiest Generation?

Which generation had the toughest time as young adults?

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10 Things to Know About Older Americans’ Mental Health During the Pandemic

Protecting older adults’ physical health came at a cost.

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Today’s Research on Aging: How COVID-19 Protections Affected Older Adults’ Mental Health

New research shows the pandemic deepened feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression among older adults and their caregivers. Social connection is the "medicine hiding in plain sight."

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In the Nest: Did the Pandemic Push Young Adults to Live With Their Parents?

Popular claims that the pandemic prompted young adults to "return to the nest" do not reflect reality.

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Today, Young Women in the United States Are More Likely to Die Than at Any Point Since the 1960s. Why?

The first in a series of three blogs on our new "Losing More Ground" report, published November 30.

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Shifts, Flips, and Blips: Reflecting on 25 Years of U.S. Population Change

Mark Mather from our U.S. Programs team looks back at key population trends since he joined PRB in 1998.

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