595 Search Results Found For : "������������������������KaKaoTalk:za33������������������:www.za32.net"

PRB Discuss Online: Growing Up in North America, How Are Children Faring Economically?

(2008) Globalization helped increase incomes in Canada, the United States, and Mexico for more than 10 years, but left many children vulnerable economically.

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The Plight of Internally Displaced Persons

(2005) Americans perched on punctured rooftops in the blazing sun for days. Others slogged through rising floodwaters. And many others rushed inland before the storm hit, only to remain homeless weeks later, unable to return to their ruined homes.

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Environmental Change, Migration, and Gender

(2012) Men and women experience migration differently. The pressures to migrate, destination choices, employment prospects, and implications for social relations back home all vary by gender.

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PRB Discuss Online: A Call to Action: Increasing Global Investments in Youth

(2010) With almost half of the world's population under age 25, investments in young people are vital to improve economic and social outcomes and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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Les pays en développement : assiégés par les maladies chroniques

(2006) Les pays en développement traversent une transition épidémiologique rapide (des maladies infectieuses telles que les maladies diarrhéiques et la pneumonie aux maladies chroniques telles que les maladies cardiaques) qui risque de submerger leurs systèmes de santé déjà très sollicités et de fragiliser plus avant leurs économies.

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Progress Stalls On Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

Vaccines are one of the simplest, most cost-effective tools to improve public health. Vaccine-preventable diseases can lead to illness, disfigurement, and disability, and remain a substantial cause of death for young children.

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