PHE Blog 3

Climate Blog Hub

Solutions to the climate change crisis must be based on data and centered in equity and justice for the people most affected by climate change.

02-23-s-phe blog

The first blog in our climate series

To respond to the climate change crisis, we must be agile and rethink our current approaches to building climate resilience. The solutions must be based on data and centered in equity and justice for the people most affected by climate change. Understanding how climate change affects people and society—including the links between climate and equity, gender dynamics, health, and livelihoods—can help identify paths to an effective, integrated response.

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02-23-s-phe blog

Le premier blog de notre série sur le climat

Le changement climatique est là, et il affecte déjà nos vies. Pour faire face à cette crise, nous devons nous adapter et repenser nos approches actuelles pour renforcer la résilience climatique. Ces solutions doivent reposer sur des données et viser en premier lieu l'équité et la justice pour les personnes les plus touchées par ce changement.

Female engineer working with laptop computer for checks or maintenance in sewer pipes area at construction site. African American woman engineer working in sewer pipes area at rooftop of building

The second blog in our climate series

Governments and communities can best adapt to climate change’s impacts with approaches that utilize population data in planning, reinforce agency for women and youth, and draw on local knowledge for contextual solutions.

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Female engineer working with laptop computer for checks or maintenance in sewer pipes area at construction site. African American woman engineer working in sewer pipes area at rooftop of building

Le deuxième blog de notre série sur le climat

L'urgence de la crise climatique et de ses impacts croissants exige que nous répondions avec une urgence égale pour construire l'adaptation et la résilience, en particulier pour les populations confrontées aux bouleversements les plus importants.

08.23-s-PHE blog 3

The third blog in our climate series

The climate crisis demands nuanced, holistic, and equitable solutions that integrate approaches at the nexus of population, health, and gender, firmly grounded in local knowledge and needs. People-centered, equitable, and locally led PHE investments can help communities adapt to climate change's worsening impacts.

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08.23-s-PHE blog 3

Le troisième blog de notre série sur le climat

La crise climatique exige des solutions nuancées, holistiques et équitables qui intègrent des approches au carrefour de la population, de la santé et du genre, fermement ancrées dans les connaissances et les besoins locaux.