Gender Community of Practice Launches New Website
For 20 years, the Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG) has been a valuable resource and networking space for gender professionals across sectors. For nearly two decades, the IGWG website has served as an important hub for gender and development materials. And now we are proud to announce the launch of a new and improved IGWG website.
The new website is designed with the user in mind, making resources, trainings, and events easy to navigate. Sign up for the weekly IGWG newsletter to stay up to date on gender resources, join the Male Engagement Task Force, and peruse presentations and resources from events organized by the IGWG Gender-based Violence Task Force.
“Curated content in IGWG listserv email is great! Makes me feel like I can keep my finger on the pulse of key programs, research, resources, events etc.” – IGWG Member
A Short History of the IGWG Community of Practice
In 1997, the Bureau for Global Health of the U.S. Agency for International Development recognized the need for a gender community of practice for nongovernmental organizations and cooperating agencies. PRB has hosted and moderated the IGWG website since its inception and as the gender community has grown and matured, we have endeavored to populate the website with information that has kept pace. That information has been focused on a variety of topics, especially on youth, gender-based violence, and male engagement, but always with an eye towards fulfilling the IGWG mission of promoting gender equity to improve global health and foster sustainable development.
“The IGWG is a diverse committed group of colleagues across institutions that provide an intellectual thought bank and push for next big things.” – Attendee at 2016 IGWG Plenary
In addition to an active newsletter, the IGWG also leads two topic specific task forces: Male Engagement Task Force and the Gender-Based Violence Task Force. Both tasks forces provide a space to focus on these specific aspects of gender work, through in-person events and, in the case of the Male Engagement Task Force, through an active google group.
Coming Soon
The IGWG team is looking forward to releasing some new publications and materials in the next year, including an update of the Gender Synchronization paper, originally published in 2010; a new User’s Guide to the Gender Continuum; and a Male Engagement slide deck.
We hope that our new website will better serve the gender community across sectors by providing reliable gender resources. By informing and engaging our members and beyond we can help create a more gender equitable world for all.
“Keep up your inspiring and meaningful work. IGWG is an important platform/hub within our gender community.” – IGWG Member