PRB Explored Key Themes on White House Conference on Aging
July 13, 2015
Focus Area
Women live longer than men in the United States and in nearly every country in the world. But in the United States and many other developed countries, this gender gap is narrowing, resulting in an increase in the number of men, relative to women, surviving to old age. If current trends continue, men’s life expectancy could approach that of women within the next few decades, according to a new PRB article by Mark Mather, associate vice president of U.S. Programs.
The July 2015 White House Conference on Aging coincided with the 50th anniversaries of Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act, and the 80th anniversary of the Social Security Act. The Conference addressed key policy issues for older Americans during the next decade. PRB’s reports, articles, and interviews explore many key Conference themes, including healthy aging, retirement security, and long-term services and supports.
PRB, in collaboration with the University of Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging, has also produced a new brief that highlights aging-related research at the U.S. Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging, supported by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health.
Healthy Aging
Report: Helping Americans Age in Place
Recent research on effective community-based social services for older people including home modification, meal delivery, caregiver support programs, and abuse and financial fraud prevention.
Report: Research on Health and Well-Being Aims to Improve Quality of Life in Later Years
Examines life satisfaction and positive experiences in old age.
Report: Volunteering and Health for Aging Populations
Research on the health impact of volunteering in old age.
Report: The Interaction of Genes, Behavior, and Social Environment.
Current findings on the roles of inflammation, memory loss, social interaction, and genetic buffers on health.
Audio: Positive Outlook and Aging: Interview with Laura Carstensen
Retirement Security
Article: No One-Size-Fits-All Path to a Secure Retirement for U.S. Elderly
Overview of diverse circumstances and resources of older Americans.
Infographic: U.S. Retirement Challenges
Dynamics of why some are inadequately prepared for retirement.
Video: Retirement Security in an Aging Population: Interview With Economist James Poterba
Discusses trends, savings vehicles, and effective preparation for retirement.
Article: U.S. Baby Boomers Likely to Delay Retirement
Explores why a growing share of Americans are working beyond their 65th birthdays.
Report: Planning for Retirement and End-of-Life Care
Planning can provide financial security and appropriate care in old age.
Article: More U.S. Baby Boomers Staying Put
Since the recession, fewer baby boomers are moving to retirement destinations.
Long-Term Services and Support
Article: Aging U.S. Baby Boomers Face More Disability
U.S. baby boomers are more likely than the previous generation to have a disability as they near late life.
Article: Unmarried Baby Boomers Face Disadvantages as They Grow Older
Report: Elderly Immigrants in the United States
Explores unique challenges faced by some U.S. elderly immigrants.
Report: The Health and Life Expectancy of Older Blacks and Hispanics in the U.S.
Trends and disparities faced by older blacks and Hispanics.
Report: The Health and Well-Being of Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren
Caregiving trends and impact on grandparents’ health and well-being.