488 Search Results Found For : "%E3%80%94%EC%9E%A5%EC%83%9D%ED%8F%AC%EB%8F%99%EC%B9%9C%EA%B5%AC%E3%80%95 www%2Cgoyo%2Cpw %EC%8B%AC%EA%B3%A11%EB%8F%99%EC%97%B0%ED%95%98 %EC%8B%AC%EA%B3%A11%EB%8F%99%EC%9B%90%EB%82%98%EC%9E%87%E2%9D%83%EC%8B%AC%EA%B3%A11%EB%8F%99%EC%9B%90%EB%82%98%EC%9E%87%ED%86%A1%E2%98%8B%EC%8B%AC%EA%B3%A11%EB%8F%99%EC%9C%A0%EB%B6%80%E2%9D%BE%E3%84%A8%E4%98%90misbecome"

Project: Appalachia: Demographic and Socioeconomic Trends

Appalachian Region Hit Hard by Recent U.S. Recession

In 2007, with the onset of the deepest economic recession in the United States since the Great Depression, Americans lost jobs and experienced sharp declines in the value of their homes and investments.

View Details Array ( [ID] => 15387 [id] => 15387 [title] => appalachia-household-wealth-2013 [filename] => appalachia-household-wealth-2013.pdf [filesize] => 3068212 [url] => https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/appalachia-household-wealth-2013.pdf [link] => https://www.prb.org/resources/appalachian-region-hit-hard-by-recent-u-s-recession/appalachia-household-wealth-2013-2/ [alt] => [author] => 15 [description] => [caption] => [name] => appalachia-household-wealth-2013-2 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 15381 [date] => 2021-01-31 20:46:36 [modified] => 2021-01-31 20:46:36 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => application/pdf [type] => application [subtype] => pdf [icon] => https://www.prb.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png ) Download (3.0 MB)

PopPov Fact Sheets From Country and Regional Research

(2015) The maternal mortality ratio in Burkina Faso is 400 deaths per 100,000 live births, far higher than the global average of 126 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2013.

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Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)

Migration’s Environmental Drivers Are Diverse, Require Different Policies

Dramatic and spontaneous natural disasters garner substantial humanitarian aid—as they should. But long-term chronic environmental pressures such as heat stress also put tremendous strain on rural households, especially households in less developed countries that rely on agriculture.

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Au Brésil, les politiques en matière de sida lient étroitement la prévention au traitement

(2005) En début février de cette année, le Brésil s'était, une fois de plus, presque arrêté de fonctionner à l'occasion de la célébration annuelle du carnaval. Pendant les quatre jours de réjouissances, des bénévoles associés à plus de 1 800 organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) ont distribué plus de 11 millions de préservatifs, financés par le Ministère de la santé brésilien, en plus des 20 millions qui sont normalement distribués chaque mois.

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