
Engaging Ethiopian Youth as Equal Partners in Their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Providing Them With Quality Information

In 2018, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) conducted interviews and focus groups in three Ethiopian regions to assess implementation of youth-friendly contraceptive services.

Our research showed that young Ethiopians face barriers like lack of privacy, stigma, and lack of available providers that prevent them from accessing contraceptive services. And although many young people ages 15 to 24 rely on radio and television as their main sources of family planning information, focus group discussions revealed that youth often don’t receive the information they need to prevent unintended pregnancies that may result in unsafe abortions. Despite these barriers, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has made strong policy commitments to provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services—including contraception—to adolescents and youth in health centers and clinics.

Ethiopian youth leaders from IYAFP, with support from PRB, designed advocacy materials that share key data related to youth reproductive health and showcase select findings from the assessment that revealed gaps between policy commitments and implementation.

Engaging Ethiopian Youth as Equal Partners in Their Sexual and Reproductive Health

One advocacy team created a fact sheet and short video calling on the FMOH and regional health bureaus to convene bimonthly forums for youth and health bureau leaders to discuss the National Adolescent and Youth Health Strategy’s implementation.

Engaging Ethiopian Youth as Equal Partners in Their Sexual and Reproductive Health

A second advocacy team developed a fact sheet and animated video targeting the Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau and Ethiopian media institutions, urging them to work together to dedicate prime-time airtime to share SRH information tailored to young people.


The Future of Nigeria Starts Today: Providing Youth-Friendly Family Planning Services to Young People

In 2018 and 2019, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) conducted interviews and focus groups in three Nigerian states to assess implementation of youth-friendly contraceptive services. In Cross River State, our research revealed that despite earnest efforts to train service providers on how to offer services to youth and create dedicated youth-friendly facilities, young people still face stigma and barriers to accessing family planning. Youth and family planning stakeholders reported that young people have more negative experiences when they attempt to seek family planning information or services from public facilities when compared with private facilities or pharmacies.

Nigerian youth leaders from IYAFP, with support from PRB, designed a fact sheet targeting the Cross River State Ministry of Health with the request to make public facilities friendlier to youth by issuing a policy directive to all public health facilities to hold a youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) day every month for at least one year. The monthly youth SRHR day should include key elements of youth-friendly health services that allow each individual to make informed decisions about their health, such as nonjudgmental providers, protection of confidentiality and privacy, and comprehensive counseling on a wide range of family planning methods.

The fact sheet shares key data related to youth reproductive health and showcases select findings from the assessment that revealed gaps between policy commitments and implementation.


Expanding Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Youth-Friendly Family Planning Services in Burkina Faso

In 2017 and 2018, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) conducted interviews and focus groups in three regions of Burkina Faso to assess implementation of youth-friendly contraceptive services. Our research revealed that despite strong policies dedicated to expanding these services, implementation gaps exist. Comprehensive sexuality education is not integrated into school curricula throughout the nation, and no budget line dedicated to the provision of youth-friendly family planning services exists in the cities of Dédougou and Bobo-Dioulasso.

Burkinabé youth leaders from IYAFP, with support from PRB, designed a video and fact sheet targeting the Ministry of National Education and Literacy, the Ministry of Health, parents’ associations, and teachers’ associations to accelerate the inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education into school curricula throughout all regions of the country. Additionally, the IYAFP and PRB teams created videos and presentations calling on municipal authorities in Dédougou (Boucle du Mouhoun region) and Bobo-Dioulasso (Hauts-Bassins region) to create a budget line dedicated to the provision of youth-friendly family planning services.

All advocacy products share key data related to youth reproductive health, and they showcase select findings from the assessment that revealed gaps between policy commitments and implementation.


En Français

Protéger l’avenir des jeunes Burkinabé grâce à une éducation sexuelle complète

Protéger l’avenir des jeunes de Dédougou : investir dans les services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes

Protéger l’avenir des jeunes de Bobo-Dioulasso : investir dans les services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes


Expansion de l’éducation sexuelle complète et des services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes au Burkina Faso

PRB et l’International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (l’Alliance Internationale des Jeunes pour la Planification Familiale) ont créé des supports de plaidoyer ciblés visant à l’expansion de l’éducation sexuelle complète et des services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes au Burkina Faso.

En 2017 et 2018, Population Reference Bureau et l’International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP ou Alliance Internationale des Jeunes pour la Planification Familiale) ont mené des interviews et des groupes de discussion dans trois régions du Burkina Faso afin d’évaluer la mise en œuvre de services de contraception adaptés aux jeunes. Nos recherches ont révélé que malgré des politiques fortes visant à l’expansion de ces services, des lacunes existent au niveau de la mise en œuvre. L’éducation sexuelle complète n’est pas intégrée aux programmes scolaires dans l’ensemble du pays et aucune ligne budgétaire consacrée à la prestation de services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes n’existe dans les villes de Dédougou et Bobo-Dioulasso.

Les leaders de la jeunesse Burkinabé de l’IYAFP, avec le soutien de PRB, ont conçu une vidéo et une fiche d’information à l’intention du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et de l’Alphabétisation, du Ministère de la Santé, des associations de parents d’élèves et des associations d’enseignants afin d’accélérer l’intégration de l’éducation sexuelle complète dans les programmes scolaires dans toutes les régions du pays. En outre, les équipes de l’IYAFP et de PRB ont créé des vidéos et des présentations invitant les autorités de Dédougou (région de la Boucle du Mouhoun) et de Bobo-Dioulasso (région des Hauts-Bassins) à créer une ligne budgétaire consacrée à la prestation de services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes.

Tous les produits de plaidoyer contiennent des données clés relatives à la santé reproductive des jeunes. Ils présentent également des résultats précis de l’évaluation qui ont révélé des écarts entre les engagements politiques et la mise en œuvre.

In English

Protéger l’avenir des jeunes Burkinabé grâce à une éducation sexuelle complète

Protéger l’avenir des jeunes de Dédougou : investir dans les services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes

Protéger l’avenir des jeunes de Bobo-Dioulasso : investir dans les services de planification familiale adaptés aux jeunes


Expanding Access to Youth-Friendly Family Planning Services in Uganda

Focus groups and interviews conducted by Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) in Kampala, Mayuge, and Kabale districts in 2018 revealed that despite strong policies dedicated to expanding youth-friendly contraceptive services in Uganda, these services are not readily available.

Youth leaders from IYAFP worked together with PRB to design several products that share key data and policy commitments related to youth reproductive health. Fact sheets and palm cards asking decisionmakers in Mayuge and Kabale districts to increase funding to train health care workers in youth-friendly service provision. The palm cards highlight barriers that youth face in accessing family planning services and information that meet their unique needs. The palm cards highlight barriers that youth face in accessing family planning services and information that meet their unique needs. The fact sheets present select research findings that reveal a gap between policy commitments and implementation and propose steps policymakers can take to close that gap.


Download Mayuge Resources


This fact sheet and palm card provide advocates with resources to ask decisionmakers in Mayuge District to increase funding to train health care workers in youth-friendly service provision.


Download Kabale Resources


This fact sheet and palm card provide advocates with resources to ask decisionmakers in Kabale District to increase funding to train health care workers in youth-friendly service provision.

Mapping Our Future: Increasing Access to Contraceptive Methods for Ugandan Youth

The Kampala video identifies a unique opportunity to map contraceptive methods and service availability with a Google Map© to help ensure that young people can access these services at nearby locations when needed. The Google Map© provides those who use it with real-time availability of contraceptive methods and services at eight facilities in Kampala’s Kawempe Division.

Download Mapping Our Future (MP4, 237 MB)


Supporting the Expansion of Youth-Friendly Services in Narok and Nairobi, Kenya

Expanding Youth-Friendly Contraceptive Services in Nairobi

Focus groups and interviews conducted by Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) in Nairobi City County, Narok County, and Embu County in 2017-18 revealed that despite strong policies dedicated to expanding youth-friendly contraceptive services in Kenya, these services are not readily available.

Youth leaders from IYAFP worked together with PRB to design a fact sheet and video asking Members of the County Assembly in Nairobi to increase budget allocation and planning for youth-friendly service provision. They also created a policy brief aimed at increasing youth engagement in decisions related to youth-friendly services in Narok County.

The products share key data and policy commitments related to youths’ reproductive health. In addition, the Nairobi video highlights barriers that youth face in accessing youth-friendly contraceptive services and information, and the accompanying fact sheet presents select research findings that reveal a gap between policy commitments and implementation. The Narok policy brief identifies a unique opportunity to engage young people in decisionmaking to help ensure that sexual and reproductive health programs and policies are as effective as possible.

Nairobi Video ( MP4, 917 MB)
Nairobi Fact Sheet (PDF, 308 KB)
Narok Policy Brief (PDF, 178 KB)